RMS Action Forms
More Forms and Resources
Incoming & Visiting Trainees
Graduating & Transitioning Trainees
MMCGME Required Documentation
Incoming Trainees - An incoming trainee is one who initially entering an MMCGME participating program or advancing to another MMCGME participating program.
Visiting Trainees - A visiting trainee is one not currently in an MMCGME participating program but participating on an MMCGME program's rotation.
Rotating Trainee / Hospital Onboarding - A rotating resident is one currently in an MMCGME participating program, rotating to a different MMCGME-participating institution.
Graduating & Transitioning information is required for every resident/fellow graduating or leaving a program. Programs have the option of
1) completing a Graduating & Transitioning Form for each resident/fellow; or
2) entering information for all graduating residents into the Graduating / Transitioning Spreadsheet template.
The information on the form used to generate accurate IRIS and billing, maintain integrity of the RMS record, inform state legislature of workforce needs and trends, confer University residents and fellows in PeopleSoft and meet ACGME institutional requirements. We appreciate your cooperation.
1) completing a Graduating & Transitioning Form for each resident/fellow; or
2) entering information for all graduating residents into the Graduating / Transitioning Spreadsheet template.
The information on the form used to generate accurate IRIS and billing, maintain integrity of the RMS record, inform state legislature of workforce needs and trends, confer University residents and fellows in PeopleSoft and meet ACGME institutional requirements. We appreciate your cooperation.
As the community consortium administrator, MMCGME supports its sponsoring institutions with Medicaid audits of GME funding as well as assistance in obtaining funding from the State of Minnesota. In order to provide proper documentation to these entities, we require certain information from trainees and programs.
Coordinator Resources
Program Director/Faculty RMS Training Guides